Контрольная работа по теме Verbals

Данная разработка представляет собой контрольную работу по теме 'Verbals' (Неличные формы глагола).В английском языке имеются три неличные формы глагола:- инфинитив- герундий- причастие Неличные формы глагола не показывают на лицо, число и время, т.е. не обладают признаками сказуемого. В предложении они выступают в функции подлежащего, дополнения, обстоятельства, определения или смысловой части составного сказуемого. Неличные формы глагола имеют простые и перфектные формы в действительном...
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Test (Verbals)

I. Supply infinitives, participles or gerunds in the following text:

When my sister Ann was six years old, I saved her from …. . (to kidnap) At the end of the war there were rumours about strange men who lured little children into quiet places with promises of toys and sweets, persuaded them into …. about their parents and if the parents turned out …. of no further interest to them, they usually left the children …. their way home in tears. (to talk, to be, to find) So my parents spent a great deal of time …. Anne about …. to strange men. (to warn, to talk)

One day, Anne went out …. in the street after tea and couldn't be found an hour later. (to play) We looked through the …. streets, but no one had seen her. (to surround) My father went off in the car …. for her, and I decided …. in the park. (to look, to search) Some boys there told me that they had seen a small girl in a blue dress …. a cricket match, and someone else said that she had been seen …. off with a man who was pushing a bicycle. (to watch, to walk) The chances were against this child …. my sister, but I walked off in the direction in which they had been seen …. . (to be, to walk) this brought me to a back alley. I called Anne's name, and was surprised …. her voice …. back. (to hear, to call) I found a hole in the hedge, and as I scrambled through she came …. towards me. (to run) I was in time …. a youth …. over the fence. (to see, to climb) He grinned and waved at me and said, "Can't stop" and dropped on the other side.

Anne and I walked home; she was not in the least excited about her exploit. She had walked into the park with two girl-friends, …. for butterflies, had watched a cricket match, and had then got into conversation with "a nice man", who told her he knew where she could catch butterflies. (to look) He took her into the alley, …. her stories as they walked along. (to tell)

I warned her about … to strange men but she insisted on this man … "quite nice". (to talk, to be) I agreed that this was probably so, but made her …. that, in future, she would never again accept an invitation … for butterflies. (to promise, to look)

II. Translate the following sentence into English using the proper forms of verbals:

  1. Я часто видел, как это делается.

  2. Она заставила меня переодеться к обеду.

  3. Мне велели приготовить чай.

  4. Написав на конверте адрес, она выбросила открытку в корзинку для бумаг.

  5. Так случилось, что они обедали у Долли в тот день.

  6. Очень мило с его стороны, что он предложил это.

  7. Кажется, он не написал никаких новых пьес.

  8. Уплатив шоферу, он взглянул на жену, которая стояла в дверях освещенная заходящим солнцем.

  9. Чувство времени - это одна из вещей, которым я, кажется, научился у Джимми.

  10. Говорили, что она еще не приняла никакого решения.

  11. Ходят слухи, что ей посоветовали не выходить замуж за Теда.

  12. Известно, что он был трижды ранен во время войны.

  13. Я не помню, чтобы я когда-либо была около их дома.

  14. Крису как-то не хотелось, чтобы над ним смеялись.

  15. Я терпеть не мог, когда мне желали удачи.

  16. Она глубоко дышала, губы ее были приоткрыты, щеки разрумянились.

  17. Ему доставит удовольствие все подготовить к их приезду.

  18. Интересно, почему она не хотела, чтобы я с ними познакомился.

  19. Он жаловался на то, что у него в комнате очень холодно.

  20. Он обещал написать ей письмо, и она с нетерпением ждала, когда получит его.


  1. being kidnapped, talking, to be, to find, warning, talking, to play, surrounding, looking, to search, watching, walking, being, walking, to hear, call, running, to see, climbing, looking, telling, talking, being, promise, to look

  2. 1. I've often seen it done.

2. She made me change my clothes for dinner.

3. I was told to get the tea ready.

4. Having addressed the envelope she threw the card in the waste-paper basket.

5. They happened to be dining at Dolly's that day.

6. It was nice of him to have suggested that.

7. He doesn't seem to have written any new plays.

8. Having paid the driver, he looked at his wife standing in the open doorway and lighted up by the setting sun.

9. A sense of timing is one of the things I seem to have learnt from Jimmy.

10. She was said not to have taken any decision yet.

11. She is rumoured to have been advised not to marry Teddy.

12. He is known to have been wounded three times during the war.

13. I don't remember ever having been near their house.

14. Chris didn't feel like being laughed at.

15. I hated being wished good luck.

16. She was breathing deeply, with her lips parted and her cheeks flushed.

17. It will be a pleasure for him to arrange everything for their arrival.

18. I wonder why she didn't want me to meet them.

19. He complained about it being too cold in his room.

20. He promised to write her a letter and she awaited its coming impatiently.

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